This is an instructional video from USA Hockey teaching an off-ice training circuit.
Uploaded by admin on April 23, 2015 at 8:42 am
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This is an instructional video from USA Hockey teaching an off-ice training circuit.
not more?
You do one thing in the circuit for 30. Then you wait 30. Then you do the
next thing for 30. Continue doing 30 seconds for each exercise then 30
seconds rest until you get through all exercises in the circuit. Then rest
90 seconds and start again at the beginning. Based on your fitness level,
repeat the circuit for 15, 20, 25, or 3
that lying twist is hard lol
Muy bueno! Gracias por compartir!
so how many times do u do that exercise circuit for example scissor jumps
so i do it onece then wait 30seconds then do it again then wait 90 seconds
and do it again???
im only 13 can i do enything in sted of clap push ups
You should do one circuit per day, just keep repeating it over and over for
15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes based on your fitness level. These videos were
produced by USA Hockey around 2000 and, I believe, were meant to attain a
general fitness level for their incoming players.
did it work?
why would we look at an amercain hockey video.. its not like they won
do you do the two circuits on different days? or do you do them both one
after the other?