Full Throttle Hockey Dryland Training

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off-ice hockey training.


MsNatasha444 says:

Great vid u did an exelent job but just a suggestion u should maybe make it
hd or get a better camera cuz it makes it look more professional but other
then that good

Kirill Kuzin says:


Jorge Posada says:

Great job! You guys will be animals if you keep this up! Very inspiring!
Keep it going!

gfxkid says:

if you people would like to get ripped quicker without spending a one extra
minute in the gym, then you have to keep an eye on this online video
SIXPP.COM إنَّما يُؤلِمُكَ المَنْعُ لِعَدَمِ فَهْمِكَ عَنِ اللهِ فيهِ.

onabigon says:

excellent video boys

Jean-Marc Belliveau says:


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